“Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.“
Mark 6:31
Under an open sky
According to good monastic tradition, both work and rest in Lia Gård are included in the liturgies, which are held three times a day, all year round. Anyone who wants can participate. During our retreats there are also times of silence, Jesus meditation, silent meals with music and the possibility for personal talks.
An inhabited oasis in the forest
Lia Gård is something extraordinary not only in terms of location, architecture and atmosphere, but also in how the place was created and is now filled with life.
The people "husfolket" and their prayer together form the heart of Lia.
Again and again it is others who come and contribute with their whole being to make it work. Some stay for a whole year, others only a shorter time. Over the years, many, many helping hands and warm hearts have made Lia what it is today. Together we were able to experience what can happen when heavenly and human resources work together. This made it possible, which seemed impossible from a human perspective.
A place where you can be, who you want.
A place to listen, to empathize and to taste.
A place of encounter with God, other people and oneself.
Where the paved roads stop
... you can withdraw from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a time and silently pay attention to Jesus Christ.
"Come, let's go to a lonely place where we are alone and where you can rest for a while."
This is the keyword of the Retreat Movement - an almost 2000-year-old invitation from the risen and omnipresent Jesus. It still applies.